Commitment to Students and Student Learning

Example 1

  • Date: December 14, 2022
  • Artifact: Three different math tests to accommodate students with IEPs
  • Connection to the standards of practice: Commitment to students and student learning is about treating students equitably and understanding the various factors that could impact the learning of each student. To accommodate students based on their Individual Education Plans (IEPs), I made three different math tests when evaluating students’ understanding of the area and perimeter of rectangles. Students at a lower grade level received a modified test in which they could use square manipulatives to fill in the rectangle on the sheet, and then count the number of squares. Students at grade level, but with barriers to reading and writing, received a test with less words. Students that did not need accommodations received a test that used the G.R.A.S.S. method to problem solving, in which students must show their work.
  • Relevance of my growth as a professional: This was the first test I had to design for students in a class with many IEPs. By engaging in the process of designing a test for the students, I was able to learn to evaluate students with different learning needs.
Modified test for students with IEPs (below grade level)

Accomodated test for students with IEPs (at grade level, but some reading and writing difficulty)

Test for students performing at grade level with no accomodation needed

Example 2

  • Date: December 9, 2022
  • Artifact: Lesson Translations
  • Connection to the standards of practice: As a teacher, I am sensitive to the factors that influence student learning. One of the factors that can impact learning is language barriers. With a student in my class that was learning English as a second language, I thought it might be helpful to translate some of my presentation slides. This helped to make the learning experience more equitable within the classroom.
  • Relevance to my growth as a professional: In a multi-cultural society, there will often be students learning English as a second language (ESL). Having a language barrier can make learning all subjects more challenging. During my practicum, I learned that it was helpful to limit the words on tests, have ESL students work with a partner, and use technology to translate when necessary.

      • Date: December 2023
      • Artifact: IEP (Case Study of Raven)
      • Connection to the standards of practice: When considering students with intellectual, behavioural, or physical needs within the classroom, it is important as a teacher to be able to develop an Individual Education Plan (IEP) for students.
      • Relevance to my growth as a professional: To develop a better understanding of Individual Education Plans, I wrote a fictional IEP based on the case study of Raven. This allowed me to become more comfortable with the process of writing an IEP, to better serve the needs of my students in the future.

      • Date: April 2024
      • Artifact: Relating lessons to students’ interest in bugs
        • Writing about a slug
        • Measuring with grape caterpillars and celery logs
      • Connection to the standards of practice: Caring about students’ learning involves taking the time to learn their interests. As a teacher, once I know what my students are interested in, then I can make my lessons more engaging and meaningful for them. As an example, during my kindergarten practicum, my students were very interested in bugs. They spent hours digging for bugs outside in the dirt. One day, a student found a slug, so we turned that into a learning and writing opportunity for the student. The student posed questions, we helped him look up the answers online, and then he made a story about the slug to practice his writing. Another example was when I had the students create grape and celery “caterpillars” to practice non-standard units of measurement and length. They were asked how many grapes long the celery was.
      • Relevance to my growth as a professional: Understanding that each student has their own interests, and that interest is a major factor that influences student learning, is a big part of being a teacher. I know that if I want my students to learn, I need to make the learning related to things they enjoy.