Growth Plan

Evaluate students in a manner that reflects Universal Design for Learning.  Offer instructions in multiple formats (written, verbal, visual, etc.).
Allow students multiple options to express and demonstrate their learning (e.g., allow them to write a test, or make a presentation, or make a model, etc.)
Allow accommodations to all students that may benefit from it, in any way that they might need (e.g., allow them to use a computer to type instead of writing on paper)
Use professional judgement when deciding what and how to grade something.
Provide descriptive feedback with suggestions and directions for future work.  
UDL can be used everyday in the classroom. To start, I would focus on one lesson and one assignment that would likely be graded. In that lesson, I would focus on giving students choice in their assignment and demonstration of their learning. To determine if I was achieving my goal, I would engage in a reflective practice at the end of my lesson, and ask myself, did I allow students multiple options to express and demonstrate their learning? Did I evaluate students in a manner that reflects UDL? I would try to continue this practice for a month, or until it became habituated.
Implement classroom management strategies that focus on Restorative Justice and Equity-Focused Discipline.  Have circles and community gatherings.
Discuss various social-emotional learning topics during community circles.
Discuss issues that arise as a team and as individuals.
Help students understand that it’s not a matter of “breaking the rules”, but rather that harmful actions affect other people.
Engage students in dialogue and find productive ways to handle situations.Limit the number of kids that are sent to the office or sent home as a form of discipline.  
After having daily or weekly community circles for a few months, assess its effectiveness by reflecting on student behaviour. Compare student behaviour to classes with and without community circles to see if it has a positive effect. Ask the students if they feel that the community circles are beneficial to their behaviours and mental states.
Teach the curriculum content at a pace that is comfortable and individualized for my class.Develop a long-term, medium-range, and short-term plan for covering all curriculum expectations. Re-evaluate the plan as the year progresses.
Plan lessons to allow for daily routines (DPA, Zones of Regulation), questions, transition times, etc.
Have additional activities planned in case content is covered faster than expected.
Check-in with students and ask them if they think we are covering content too quickly, or too slowly.
Use grades as a tool to understand how well and how quickly ideas are understood by students. Re-evaluate the pacing of lessons if many students are struggling or doing extremely well.  
I will know my lessons are paced appropriately if all students are engaged in my lessons, and no one is left confused or bored. I will continuously look for signs of students becoming bored or confused to inform my pacing. I will also consider student grades as an indication of their understanding of content within the allotted timeframe.